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Vendor Specific Attributes (VSA) Configuration


Vendor Specific Attributes (VSAs) are essential when using LDAP-RADIUS translation to send tailored attributes in responses to RADIUS clients. If a required VSA is unavailable during the creation of a new LDAP-RADIUS translation, you can define custom VSAs based on vendor specifications. This process is managed through the RADIUS Settings menu under Vendor Specific Attributes.

Steps to Create a New RADIUS Vendor and Vendor Specific Attribute

  1. Navigate to RADIUS Vendors:

    • In the Mideye Server web interface, go to RADIUS Settings > RADIUS Vendors.
  2. Create a New RADIUS Vendor:

    • Click Create New RADIUS Vendor.
    • Vendor ID: Enter the unique identifier for the vendor. This field is required.
    • Vendor Name: Provide a descriptive, unique name for the vendor. This field is required.
    • Click Create to save the new vendor entry.
  3. Create a New Vendor Specific Attribute (VSA):

    • Return to the Vendor Specific Attributes menu.
    • Click Create New Vendor Specific Attribute.
    • Select RADIUS Vendor: Choose the previously created vendor from the dropdown list.
    • ID: Enter a unique ID for the attribute.
    • Name: Provide a descriptive name for the attribute.
    • Type: Specify the attribute type based on its intended use (e.g., string, integer).
    • Click Save to create the VSA.
  4. Use the VSA in LDAP-RADIUS Translation:

    • Navigate to the LDAP-RADIUS Translation section.
    • Create a new translation rule that utilizes the VSA created earlier, customizing responses as needed for specific use cases.

Additional Notes

  • The Vendor Specific Attributes menu allows you to define any custom attributes, including those beyond standard specifications, by following the outlined steps and using custom vendor names and IDs.
  • This flexibility enables organizations to tailor their RADIUS responses precisely to the needs of different RADIUS clients, ensuring compatibility and specificity based on vendor requirements.


Vendor Specific Attributes Configuration

Example: Creating a custom VSA for a specific vendor.